Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pad Thai (Thai Style Noodle Stir-Fry)

14 big shrimps (peeled, de-veined and cooked)
2 handful thin noodle
3/4 cup cut yellow tofu
3 tbsp. good quality dried shrimp
1/4 cup salted radish (minced)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. water
1/4 cup a garlic-like vegetable of the genus Allium (cut 1 inch)
2 duck's eggs
1 cup bean sprouts
1 tbsp. sliced red onion
1 tbsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. dried red chili powder
2 tbsp. roasted peanut (crushed)
1 tsp. sugar
Pad Thai Sauce:
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 tbsp. minced red onion
3 tbsp. minced garlic
1/2 cup palm sugar
1/3 cup good quality fish sauce
1/2 cup concentrated tamarind juice

Cooking Instructions:
1. Heat the pan and add vegetable oil. When the pan is hot, add 3 tbsp. minced red onion and 3 tbsp. minced garlic. Fry until it turns gold. Be careful, it will be bitter if you put max heat and burn it.

2. Add palm sugar, fish sauce, concentrated tamarind juice. Boil until it gets thick.

3. Remove from the stove.Next, we will cook the noodle.

1. In a different pan, heat the pan and add vegetable oil. When the pan is hot, add red 1 tbsp. sliced onion and garlic. Fry until it has aromatic smell.

2. Add tofu, salted radish and dried shrimps.

3. Now, add noodle and water. Mix well then add vinegar.

4. Pour pad Thai sauce we prepare from before. Add as much as you like. Make sure you don't add too much because the noodle will be too wet and overcook.

5. Then, make a quick stir. If you like bean sprouts and the genus Allium to be cooked, add it in this step.

6. Turn off the fire. Arrange the noodle on a plate. Put dried chili pepper, sugar, roasted peanut, fresh bean sprouts and the genus Allium on a side.

Oy!!!! I forgot to add shrimps!!

You can put them after any step above, because it was already cooked. I'll put them like a pyramid on top of my Pad Thai. Another option for Pad Thai, make an omelet from duck's eggs. Make it as thin and as big as possible. Put the noodle in the middle of the omelet. Fold four sides then put another plate on top. Turn it upside down. Decorate it with bean sprouts, the genus Allium or scallion, dried chili powder, sugar, peanut, and one piece of lemon.

From : Thanks for Joy (Try Thai Food)

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